If you're seeing this... This site is for my personal use, until I can spend more time to dedicate. Note that a previous statement about this site was a bit more frank and this site was never used -- please pardon if offended. :)

Simple/Easy JS Click image switcher

This is pretty raw b/c out-of-the-box, Blogger doesn't support code blocks... but this is better than the empty page that existed.
var onImg= "on.jpg";
var offImg= "off.jpg";
<img src="on.jpg" onclick="this.src = this.src == offImg ? onImg : offImg;"/>

  • onImg and offImg represent the on/off versions
  • onClick is a ternary expression that looks as the src filename, and replaces its value with the not-selected filename.

  • Pretty simple actually, but shows off the power of a simple ternary expression in JavaScript.

    The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion - 2023 Experience

    This article is a WIP.  Setting up Oblivion in 2023 on a Steam Deck (w/ SteamOS)  Install from Steam  Vortex Experience (post base mod tools...